Social Affairs Minister, Rashid Derbas, highlighted the gravity of the Syrian refugees' dossier, stressing the sheer need for a unified national stance in addressing this predicament. 

Minister Derbas's words on Thursday came during a symposium organized by "Issam Fares Center for Lebanese Affairs" on Syrian refugees, saying such a file is equivalent to Lebanon's existence and independence. 
"This jam should be considered from the perspective of achieving the nation's supreme interests and the state's preservation... rather than a chip in a political battle," said Derbas. 

Derbas also gave a presentation on available numbers and data on the distribution of refugees in most Lebanese areas. The Minister indicated that refugees constitute nowadays one-third of Lebanon's population, with 45% of them coming from areas far from the borders with Lebanon, citing the example of Raqqa, Qamishli, Daraa and others. 

He also disclosed the presence of around 1400 arbitrary camps.

Source & Link: ILoubnan