BEIRUT: National organizations called Thursday for laws safeguarding women against domestic violence, vowing to continue their campaign as long as females in the country were under threat.
The National Alliance for Legalizing the Protection of Women from Family Violence, in cooperation with the organization KAFA: Enough Violence and Exploitation, held a news conference to announce the launch of the initiative, entitled “I have not died but many others have died.” Billboards featuring the slogan have recently appeared around the country, as the groups demand the legislature enact laws protecting women from domestic abuse.
KAFA Director Zoya Rouhana said Parliament had extended its term but still had not acted to protect women from violence, which indicates that such laws were never a priority.
“I want to ask you, do you consider the victim who has lost her life at the hands of her husband or brother or father as another number, one who has no value and is not included within your electoral budget?” she said.
Rouhana added that there have been eight known cases of such crimes this year, but the actual number of instances may be higher.
The conference heard a firsthand testimony from a woman who said her husband attempted to murder her about a month ago. She called for politicians to adopt laws protecting women from physical and psychological abuse.
Addressing Speaker Nabih Berri, she added: “We want our right to live in security, and this is the simplest thing you can offer us through your position.”

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