Media outlets reported Thursday that the explosive substances were found in a sandwich that was destined for Charbel Challita in the Roumieh prison’s infamous Bloc B, where Fatah al-Islam detainees are held.
A security source told NOW that newly-installed scanner devices in the Roumieh prison helped detect the Carbide substance inside the sandwich.
Sources told LBC that the substance weighed 150 grams, while the National News Agency said that investigations were ongoing to determine its nature.
The security officer who was being questioned over this case claimed that Challita had requested of him to bring this substance so he would use it to heat water.
The inmate was also brought for questioning, as preliminary investigations suggested that he was going to pass this explosive substance to an Islamist group in the jail.
Other inmates said that this was not the first time such substances were seized in the Roumieh prison, which has witnessed numerous disturbances over the years.
Charbel Challita has been appointed by the prisoners as “the head of the section,” and he is incarcerated for having killed his friend for financial reasons.