A meeting of the Heads of Interpreting Services of national and international organisations and institutions (HINTS) was held in The Hague on 7 and 8 May.
The event was hosted by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) and the International Criminal Court.
On 8 May, the STL organised a meeting on its own premises with interpreting students from five Lebanese universities: Saint Joseph University, the Lebanese University, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Notre Dame University and the University of Balamand.
The students and the interpreter training staff from those universities met at the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of Saint Joseph University in Beirut and held discussions via video link with the head interpreters of 19 national and international organisations.
That meeting highlighted the importance of training that gives pre-eminence to quality, with courses designed and delivered by professional interpreters who work regularly for international organisations.
The meeting also aimed to provide participants with the opportunity to put questions regarding their career prospects at the end of their studies directly to their potential future employers.
The heads of the interpreting services of the World Health Organization, the International Monetary Fund, the STL and NATO were among those answering students' questions.