The international community is dealing with the Syrian refugee crisis in Lebanon in a scandalous way, Finance Minister Ali Hasan Khalil said Thursday, adding that the tiny nation has received very little in terms of financial assistance.
“It is a scandal in the full sense of the term,” said Khalil, currently attending the 19th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. “The international community has abandoned its role in this regard.”
Khalil said that funds provided for Lebanon by the international community to help the country cope with the refugee crisis did not exceed tens of millions of dollars “at a time when Lebanon endures the burden of 1.3 million Syrian refugees.”
The international community has promised generous financial assistance to Lebanon in the past years to help it address the mounting problem, but many donors have failed to live up to their pledges.
In March, international donors pledged $3.8 billion to help alleviate Syria’s humanitarian crisis. Lebanon has yet to determine its share from the package.