The Special Tribunal for Lebanon heard more testimony Monday about the mysterious phone calls placed to Al-Jazeera hours after Rafik Hariri was killed in a massive bomb blast. An unnamed Al-Jazeera producer, who was given protective measures by the court to prevent his identity from being revealed to the public, told the court that he picked up one of the phone calls placed to the TV station that evening. The man on the other end of the phone, the producer would later learn, claimed to be part of the group responsible for killing Hariri. “He first spoke in a Lebanese or Palestinian dialect saying ‘I want to speak to Ghassan Ben Jeddo,’” the employee told investigators, referring to Al-Jazeera’s bureau chief at the time. “When I asked him who he was he shouted in classic Arabic ‘Give me Ghassan.’” The court is expected to hear more testimony about the claims of responsibility in the coming days.