Prime Minister Tammam Salam warned cabinet ministers on Thursday that he would not call for a cabinet session next week if the country’s seven-month-long waste problem is not resolved soon.
Salam denied that he would suspend cabinet sessions, telling ministers the situation is “much worse than that,” Information Minister Ramzi Jreij said in his press briefing.
The PM spoke at the start of the session that he chaired at the Grand Serail.
A ministerial committee has been holding meetings since the cabinet decided last month to end an export plan and instead focus on decentralization.
The export scheme to Russia was dropped after a scandal that the company tasked with dealing with the issue had forged the documents.
The committee is now mulling where to dump the waste of Beirut and heavily-populated Mount Lebanon.
The garbage crisis erupted when the country's largest landfill, which used to receive the waste of Beirut and Mount Lebanon, was closed in July last year.