CLDH voices its commitment to upholding and advocating for human rights, particularly the right to access public spaces, and expresses its grave concern regarding the growing trend of restricting access to places built on public properties in Lebanon.
Public spaces are a fundamental aspect of a democratic society. They play a vital role in fostering community engagement, social cohesion, and individual well-being. The right to access public spaces is not merely a privilege but a fundamental human right enshrined in international law, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. It is incumbent upon governments and authorities to protect and facilitate the exercise of this right for all individuals without discrimination.
In recent years, we have observed a troubling pattern of increased events at places restricting access to public properties in Lebanon. Such restrictions undermine the very essence of democratic governance and jeopardize the fundamental principles of inclusivity and transparency. Access to these public spaces is essential for people to enjoy their right to assembly, freedom of expression, cultural engagement, and the pursuit of leisure activities
These spaces, when properly maintained and made accessible to the public, can also serve as catalysts for economic development, tourism, and the enhancement of the overall quality of life for citizens. Denying the public their rightful access to these spaces not only curtails their human rights but also hampers the social and economic progress of the nation.
Therefore, CLDH hereby calls for the following:
1. Respect for Human Rights: We urge the Lebanese government and authorities to uphold the principles of human rights, particularly the right to access public places, in accordance with international law.
2. Transparency and Accountability: We call for transparency in decision-making processes related to public spaces on public properties. Authorities should engage in open dialogue with civil society organizations and the public to ensure that decisions made regarding these spaces are in the best interests of the community. We also call all organizations, institutions, and companies and as part of their social responsibility, especially embassies and NGOs, to boycott such places.
3. Preservation of Public Spaces: We advocate for the preservation and proper maintenance of public spaces on public properties, with the aim of ensuring that these spaces remain accessible to all.
4. End Discrimination: We emphasize the importance of ending any form of discrimination or exclusion in the use of public spaces, ensuring that they are equally accessible to all members of society, regardless of their background, beliefs, or social status.
We believe that by respecting and upholding the right to access public spaces, Lebanon can foster a more inclusive and democratic society that values the rights and dignity of all its citizens. We stand ready to work collaboratively with the government, civil society, and the public to achieve these objectives and ensure the preservation of our shared public spaces.
Endorsed by:
Proud Lebanon