Freedom of Expression meets Arbitrary Dismissal 


On December 16, 2024, the "Alternative Press Syndicate" issued a statement defending freedom of expression in the case of the arrest of several journalists and activists on social media, who were charged with inciting against MTV television channel after the channel filed a complaint against them. The statement emphasized that the investigation of journalists should be conducted before an investigative judge, not by judicial police. The statement also called for the release of the activists in order to protect freedom of expression. However, this stance was met with a concerning reaction from the channel, which informed the coordinator of the syndicate, Elsy Moufarrej, who works at MTV, that she had to choose between retracting the statement, resigning from the syndicate, or being dismissed from her job. 

In this context, the Lebanese Center for Human Rights condemns MTV’s decision, as it constitutes a violation of freedom of opinion and expression, as well as the right to join associations, both of which are fundamental rights outlined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. These rights also have constitutional value in Lebanon according to Article 13 of the Lebanese Constitution. The Center also considers this threat to be a form of pressure against independent journalists and a demonstration of attempts to restrict free expression in the media. The Center views this action as arbitrary dismissal, as Article 50 of the Lebanese Labor Law (specifically paragraph D) explicitly states that dismissal due to membership or non-membership in a specific professional syndicate, or for engaging in lawful syndicate activities, is considered an abuse and an arbitrary exercise of rights. Therefore, any dismissal without legal justification is considered arbitrary and deserving of compensation. 

Additionally, MTV's decision contradicts Article 20 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which guarantees the right to freely join associations and unions. Thus, any "dismissal" due to union activities constitutes a violation of this fundamental right. 

In conclusion, the Lebanese Center for Human Rights stresses the importance of respecting freedom of opinion and expression and protecting journalists from any kind of retaliation or pressure that might affect their ability to practice their profession freely. The Center also calls for MTV to be held accountable for its decision before the Lebanese judiciary. Protecting journalists' independence and shielding them from threats or punishment is a fundamental pillar in maintaining democracy and human rights in any society.